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HK REM 4 20 210 210 24

Pressure relief valve SAE1" SV.
Flow rate max.
400 l/min
Pressure setting range max.
210 bar
Pressure setting range min.
7 bar
Stiahnutie PDF
Podrobnosti o výrobku

HK REM 4 20 210 210 24

Flow rate max.
400 l/min
Pressure setting range max.
210 bar
Pressure setting range min.
7 bar
flange connector
SAE 6000 PSI 1″


Max. working pressure
  • max. 350 bar 
  • SAE flange connector (e. g. for direct fitting to pumps) 
  • with magnetic relief valve 24 V; relief with magnet at zero current 
Customs tariff number
  • 84818099 

Popis výrobku

These valves must be set according to the application.
Pilot-controlled pressure relief valve with damping plunger.
2 pressure adjustment ranges (same min / max values).
Max. volumetric flow 600 l/min.
For mineral hydraulic oils or synthetic fluids with comparable properties.
Rozsah dodávky
Including SAE flanges and screws M 10

Product variants

3 Results
Zobraziť rozmerový výkres
Flow rate max. (l/min)
Pressure setting range max. (bar)
Pressure setting range min. (bar)
flange connector
Podrobnosti / items
200 l/min
350 bar
8 bar
SAE 6000 PSI 3/4″ 
Viac informácií
400 l/min
210 bar
7 bar
SAE 6000 PSI 1″ 
Viac informácií
600 l/min
210 bar
7 bar
SAE 6000 PSI 1.1/4″ 
Viac informácií

Column selection

Flow rate max. (l/min)
Pressure setting range max. (bar)
Pressure setting range min. (bar)
flange connector